100%+ Subscriptions



Newsday Media Group


The story of how my team at Newsday increased digital subscription revenue by 100% over the course of 2 years.

Problem Statement

In order to increase subscriptions we had to show the value of our product to our users. With subscriptions this can be tough especially with news. Why would someone pay for something they can get for free. But with the decline in advertising revenue capturing recuring subscription revenue became top priority.


In order to sell more subscriptions we needed more vehicles to allow for the sales. Most of these are pretty standard but we had never had them before. The list of must haves were:
1. Homepage banner
2. Article Experience
3. Enhanced gating

It’s a fine line to walk when selling subscriptions without hindering the user experience of the site. By nature subscription capture interfere with users intended tasks. Interrupting our users from reading what they intended to accomplish, to read an article was the key to get them to subscribe. Most of these experience frustrate the user and cause them to bounce.