AI Assisted Onboarding



Client: MNTN
Position: Head of Product Design


Logging in is boring. It’s a standard UI that is well established and doesn’t have much wiggle room when it comes to the basic UI. It’s your first touch with your customer when it comes to SAAS platforms so it’s one of the fulcrums of your products impression on it’s users.

Everyone is looking to incorporate AI into their products and sometimes at a fault. The integrations are too complex and end up not adding the value you intended to your product. So I took this as an opportunity to use AI to improve the onboarding process of MNTN without taking it too far.

We had a rough conversion rate on our existing onboarding… Only approximately 15% of our users were getting through. The original design left a lot of questions in the users minds and wasn’t as easy to use as the original designer had hoped it would be. So we took an entirely new approach

Original Onboarding Design

First we identified which steps in the onboarding process were getting the most friction. We noticed there was a lot we didn’t need to ask to get someone in the platform. Billing was a a huge one. Most users stopped at this step and never actually got into the platform. The opt-in anxiety was too high or they didn’t have authorization from their company to pop in an credit card.

So I asked why… If the user wasn’t using that information until they had a campaign completely built and ready to launch, why ask for it. The intent to purchase was very low, so we moved this step as a prompt inside the platform when there was a high level of intent to purchase, when they are about to launch a campaign.

In addition to removing pain, anxiety and frustration points was the idea of how we could use AI to get the information we need from them without them having to do anything. Specifically site technology and company information. We could have done more but we didn’t want to be too creepy…


Login Prototype (Might need to request access)

This redesign of login inspired my team to do a complete overhaul on the platform itself. It’s a huge story thats best explained in person, I could write a book on my thought process (might already have). I’ll share the initial dashboard screen. More to come soon…

Dashboard Concept